Holy Week 2024 @ St. George’s

March 28, 6:00pm

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

As Jesus celebrated his last supper with his friends and disciples, so we gather together for a shared meal, the Eucharist and foot- or handwashing.

We begin the meal downstairs in Luxton Hall with a time of fellowship and liturgy. Communion is shared, and we wash each other’s hands or feet just as Jesus washed his disciples’ feet.

At the close of the evening, we move to the sanctuary where the altar and chancel are stripped of their colourful paraments in preparation for the solemn remembrance of Christ’s death on Good Friday.

Please RSVP to the church office (info@stgeorgesonthehill.ca) with the number who will attend and any food restrictions that we should be aware of.

March 29, 10:00 am

The Way of the Cross for Families

A family-oriented interactive service following Jesus’ journey to the cross.

March 29, 12:00 pm

The Passion of the Lord

A solemn service to bear witness to Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and death.

March 31, 10:30am

The Sunday of the Resurrection

A joyous celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Children are invited to participate in our annual Easter egg hunt following the service!

We will also hold our regular said Eucharist at 8:30am on this day.

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