Parish Selection Committee

The Parish Selection Committee’s (PSC) role is to make a recommendation to the Suffragan/Bishop regarding a new incumbent.

The committee works with the bishop-appointed transition/PSC coach to:

  • develop an effective plan to identify candidates
  • ensure compliance with diocesan canons, all legislative and human rights policies, and sound human resources practices
  • create an accurate parish profile
  • discern God’s will for the future of the parish
  • match the parish’s identity and aspirations with the type of leadership qualities that will best engender vitality
  • suggest names of candidates for the interview list (if there’s only one suitable applicant, interviews are done to check their compatibility of with the parish’s vision of leadership)
  • make sure all interview procedures and decisions are as objective and fair as possible
  • maintain confidentiality during the HR portion of the process until the bishop announces the appointment of a successful candidate

Parish Selection Process Flowchart
– From the Diocese of Toronto website

The Committee is comprised of:

Donna Cansfield – Chair

Siobhan McLaughlin – Secretary

Brian Danby (deputy warden)

Ceceile Dennis-Arthurs

Bill Jones

Janet Kincaid (warden)

Veronica Kitchen (lay delegate to Synod)

Noel Semple

Kathleen Spurrell

The Committee may be contacted at


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