Children’s Ministry 

Our Children’s Ministry programme welcomes children into a unique environment in which they are surrounded by the sacred stories at the centre of our faith. Our curriculum is based on Godly Play; children have the opportunity to explore, observe, question, create, and wonder what the sacred stories mean, and how they affect their lives. Our children’s ministry room has been refurbished, creating a safe and welcoming space. Our dedicated leaders and volunteers encourage children to explore their faith, and to become life-long disciples of Christ.

At St. George’s, your child’s spirituality is cherished, and we seek to develop relationships with them based on a mutual ministry – children and leaders are both learners and teachers together. Where ever you and your family may be on your journey of faith, we look forward to meeting you, and we hope you find St. George’s to be a nurturing home, and a place to deepen your faith. At St. George’s all are welcome and invited. If you want to know more, contact any of our ministers, or the church office.

To register for the Church Kids please click here to fill out our Church Kids Registration Form

Nursery Care

Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during the 10:30 am service. Parents and guardians are welcome to keep their child with them in church if they prefer – babies and children are welcome in all of our worship services.

Children of the Bible Window

Children are important to St George’s and one of the symbols of this is a beautiful stained glass window titled “The Children of the Bible Window.

Click the picture to learn more about this window.


Virtual Events

James Noronha - December 25, 2021

Christmas Pageant 2021 - The Hope of Christmas: A Light in the Darkness

What happens when the Church Kids and Youth Group have to perform a remote Christmas Pageant AGAIN?! Tune in right here to find out! We have new actors, new jokes, new tech, and new special effects to share with you in our pageant this year.

When we created a movie for the Christmas Pageant in 2020 we thought it would be unique. But with the pandemic continuing to affect every aspect of our lives in 2021, the Youth Group and Children of St. George's on-the-Hill turned themselves to making this years Christmas Pageant even bigger and better than before.

The youth of St. George's once again found themselves facing the challenge of telling the story of Christmas in an unconventional way.

Their gift to the parish is a very special performance on Christmas Day of a Pageant they've written entitled: "The Hope of Christmas: A Light in the Darkness". Join the children and youth on this lighthearted and poignant journey as they make their own way to “the stable in Bethlehem” and learn about what Christ our Light and our Hope looks like today in the people and relationships around us.

The show features contributions of more than 80 children, youth, and adults from our parish and community.

Donations made to the performance will be directed towards critical care and COVID-19 relief efforts at St. Joseph's Health Centre.

From Series: "Godly Play for Families"

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